
The Communications committee’s responsibilities are to keep the Estates of Brentwood residents informed on current neighborhood issues by maintaining and updating the official EOB website.

There are four methods that we employ to communicate with the residents of the Estates of Brentwood:

  • Official Estates of Brentwood website located at This is where all official messages from the EOB officers and board members are located.

  • Official EOB discussion mailing list located at!forum/eobresidents. This an open access discussion mailing list where all residents can post messages. The messages are posted and archived on the Google website and residents can also have newly posted messages sent to them via email.

  • Official EOB discussion forums located at This is a fully featured discussion area where residents can post messages on specific topics, such as asking for recommendations for certain services (plumbers, lawn care, etc).

  • Word of Mouth and Block Captains. The lowest-tech but equally effective method of communication. The above methods that the EOB uses to communicate with the residents are also passed along from neighbor to neighbor. Our safety committee Block Captains are also an effective method for delivering news to their close neighbors.