2019 Annual Meeting Notice
- 27
- Mar
The Estates of Brentwood HOA will hold its annual meeting on Sunday, April 28th at 3PM. This year the meeting will be held at the Hope Presbyterian Church at 11512 Olson Drive across from Spicewood Elementary School. Meeting room is on the 1st floor. Enter at the main entrance.
Agenda Items:
1. Special guest: Jimmy Flannigan Distrcit 6 City Council MemberAnderson
2. Road Projects
3. Review 2018 Activities
4. 2019 Plans
5. Budget Report
6. New Business
7. Election of Officers
Estates of Brentwood website: www.estatesofbrentwood.org
The Board of Directors urges you to make every effort to attend this meeting as it concerns
each of you. If you are unable to attend, please complete the attached proxy. Please send your signed proxy with the individual who will be casting your vote. Board members will be canvassing neighborhood for proxies.
Signed proxies can be given to any Board member:
Julie Pratt, Mamta Verma, Richard Siegmund, David Murray, John Ryder, Pat O’Rourke or Jim Muir
[gview file=”http://www.estatesofbrentwood.org/documents/Flyers/2019_Annual_Meeting_Notice.pdf” save=”1″]